Developing strategies and tools for resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.

[Annex 80] 7th Expert Meeting: IEA EBC Annex 80 - Resilient Cooling of Buildings

[Annex 80] 7th Expert Meeting: IEA EBC Annex 80 - Resilient Cooling of Buildings

We had our 7th Expert Meeting of the International Energy Agency Annex 80 - Resilient Cooling of Buildings took place on October 20-21, 2022, in Florianópolis, Brazil. Check the Annex website:

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Finally, we would like to thank you, Peter Holzer (Operating Agent), and Philipp Stern for the outstanding organization. Thank you Essam Elnagar, Abantika Sengupta, Ramin Rahif, and Ronnen Levinson for your presentations. Thanks to the Brazilian team for the generous and professional hosting. Thank you to Roberto Lamberts.

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We had our 7th Expert Meeting of the International Energy Agency Annex 80 - Resilient Cooling of Buildings on October 20-21, 2022, in Florianópolis, Brazil. Since our last expert meeting, we succeeded in finalizing the Dynamic Simulation Guideline (full name: Annex 80 Resilient cooling strategies performance testing- dynamic simulation guideline) developed as part of Subtask B activities. The KPI Task Force also succeeded in creating the KPI list and glossary of terms. The KPI list and glossary of terms are meant to contain each relevant metric and KPI that is used in the Annex deliverables. The Annex has reached its reporting phase (from July 2022 to July 2023). The State-of-the-Art Review (SOTAR) is already delivered to and reviewed by ExCo. Together with Annex members (Peter Holzer, Ramin Rahif, and Hilde Breesch), we also had a fruitful and successful interactive session, “How will the building and its inhabitants go through future extreme events?”, on 24th May 2022 in CLIMA 2022 conference that was held during 23-25 May 2022 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

This Annex is led by Dr. Peter Holzer, the operating agent from the Institute of Building Research & Innovation in Austria. Participants represent more than 20 countries and are listed here link. The Annex focuses on defining resilience and identifying universal key performance indicators to assess different cooling fields of technologies. It consists of four main Subtasks:

·    Subtask A (Fundamentals): Elaborate a comprehensive performance assessment of resilient cooling solutions

·    Subtask B (Solutions): Collection of individual national research items, offering a wide field for specific research carried out by specific institutes

·    Subtask C (Field studies): Case study analysis, according to a common, well-structured plan of monitoring and reporting

·    Subtask D (Policy Actions): Elaborate general guidelines and recommendations for the integration of resilient cooling into legal frameworks and into standardization.

During Session 01 of the first meeting day, a short review of the Annex activities since the last Expert meeting in Copenhagen on May 2022 is presented by the operating agent. The project timeline also was reviewed in relation to the milestones. This was followed by a status report by Subtask A and Weather Data Task Force. Subtask A is already closed by publishing its findings on the definition of resilience [ &]. Subsequently, Weather Data Task Force leaders updated the members on the status of the weather dataset that was developed based on the CORDEX project. We agreed on the exclusion of local Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects on the weather dataset developed within this Annex, which can be included by some available tools for further research and development. Afterward, Subtask B leaders gave an update on their activities, focussing on the National Research Items and on the Dynamic Simulation Task Group. National Research Items (NRI) were proposed by the Annex members at the beginning of the Annex. The specific project reports will form one part of the deliverables. The final version of the Dynamic Simulation Guideline is presented, which can be found at []. Some points regarding the application of thermal comfort models for full-year analysis and heat stress models for heatwaves, as well as how to deal with hybrid buildings, are clarified and agreed upon. There was also a valuable discussion on whether to apply temporal weighting to the calculated metrics. It was also suggested to compare the building’s performance in future climate scenarios against its performance in the recent climate. This is followed by presentations from Ronnen Levinson (LBNL), Ramin Rahif (ULiege), Essam Elnagar (ULiege), and Abantika Sengupta (UGent) based on the outcomes of building performance simulation of case studies.

During Session 02 of the first meeting day, the KPI Task Group leaders presented the KPIs list and glossary of terms. A distinction between ‘metrics’ and ‘KPIs’ within the documents is made as clear as possible. This is followed by an update on the status of Subtask C. It is agreed that the field study report will be a collection of specific case study reports. A prologue will connect those contributions, and an epilogue will draw general conclusions. During Session 03 of the first meeting day, Subtask D leaders presented their work on summarizing the policy strategies to support resilient cooling. The aim is to present this work to multipliers and agencies. During Session 04 of the first meeting day, the members are divided into two groups to discuss the strategies for technology profile sheets and resilient cooling guidelines. The discussions and decisions that took place during this session are presented to the members on the next meeting day. The second day of the meeting included a report and planning on publications, dissemination, and conferences, a recap of decisions taken, and a definition of future steps.

·        The 8th Expert Meeting will take place in Vienna, Austria, on 12-14 or 19-21 April 2023, including two days of expert meetings and one technical day.

·        Annex publications are newly presented and continuously updated on the Annex website. See

·        For further information, please visit the Annex webpage:

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