Developing strategies and tools for resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.

📚 Enroll: Get Your Paper Published (new online course)

📚 Enroll: Get Your Paper Published (new online course)

Follow your passion and enjoy the journey of pursuing research and publications in both academic and practitioner journals. Grow your citation index from 0 to 1000+ citations and turn yourself into a sustainable and highly productive scientist.

              Enrollment deadline is October 20, 2022.

            🚀 Increase your Google Scholar H-Index

I believe that working for H-index and Citations will drive bad behavior and should never be considered a target. However, in your early career, you need to boost both Scopus and Google Scholar records to become visible and win in a competitive environment.                                                                                                      

Ten years ago, I published my first Q1 journal article while in my final year of my Ph.D. at UCLouvain University in Belgium. I started off with 0 citations, 0 H-index, and 0 for article processing charges. I knew absolutely nothing about reviewing and publishing journal articles, but I somehow managed to figure out the basics.

Ten years later, my citations reached 5000 citations, and my Google Scholar H index is 35 as a professor in Belgium. I am ranked in the Top 2% of World Scientists based on Stanford University ranking. Ranked 66823 / 100,000 in the fields of building and construction, energy, built environment, and design. (2021)

Shady Attia
Li�ge University, Belgium - Cited by 4.748 - design support - human comfort - building performance - evidence based design - sustainable architecture

After securing a permanent position in academia, it is only now that I can follow my passion and enjoy the journey of pursuing research and publications in academic and practitioner journals.

                          ⚗️The Secret to 1000 Citations

Over the last five years, I’ve learned much about what it takes to publish sustainably, build an audience of readership and citations from scratch, provide value consistently, and write a high-impact article based on solid scientific methodologies.

I’ve spent over €15,000 on courses and coaching programs to try and find the secret sauce that helps grow my research and its impact.

And you know what? There’s no secret. It’s just a matter of:

1. Publishing articles that your target audience and research community find useful

2. Sharing them in open access repositories and make sure to publish at least 3 papers annually

3. Publish with great scientific collaborators

4. Repeating this for at least 5 years

That’s all it takes.

I guarantee that if you follow this 4-part formula, your citation volume and H-index will increase in ways you can’t imagine. I expect that full-time researchers can publish 3 journal papers a year, part-timers 2 papers a year, and weekend researchers can publish 1 paper a year.

For starters, you’ll learn incredibly useful skills, prepare your first journal paper, and make friends with peers worldwide. You might even find collaborators that might co-author with you a paper.

But as with all things, getting started and maintaining quality + consistency is easier said than done.

             🎯 Challenges of Publishing Journal Articles

It feels daunting to do research and write three papers yearly for 5 years. You won’t see much growth, or money, in the early stages.

  • You’ll have to get over the fear of rejection from editors, reviewers' bias and strangers in your scientific community, and the complexity of the publishing process.
  • You’ll have to work out what you’re planning to publish about + why anyone would care what your paper is about. You have to get over the author peacock complex.
  • You’ll need to learn about manuscripts, figures, conceptual schemes, English editing, and how to brand and promote your research.
  • You’ll worry that you’re not going to finish the paper writing and give up your altruism.
  • You’ll be thinking about the Journal community while also trying not to think about the Journal editor.
  • You’ll end up improving your paper and having to develop your own short-term and long-term publication strategy and plans.

And you’ll have to do all this (and a lot more) while juggling your job, relationships, and health and also doing your best to enjoy the journey and avoid burnout.

This is hard. It takes a lot of work.

But it’s also really fun, and it's genuinely life-changing if you can make it work.

The real "secret," if there's one at all, is that you need to build a SYSTEM around your scientific content production so that you can efficiently pump out useful content that grows your publications and citations without it taking up large amounts of your own time.

Instead of thinking of your journal article production as a personal project, you want to think about it like a machine. A machine that takes inputs in the form of ideas and research refines them into valuable content that your research community values and efficiently get read across multiple community classes.

I’ve built such a system for my publication strategy, and I can help you build yours.

               🧠The Get Your Paper Published Training

The Get Your Paper Published Training (equivalent to 50 hours of training) is a 5-week live online course from 15th November to 13th December, where I’ll teach and help you implement everything I know about growing your publications record and production into a sustainable machine that churns out valuable content and generates healthy passive citation. Without you having to quit your Ph.D., research job, or any other job.

During the 5 weeks, we’ll have a combination of live zoom lessons, open live Q&As, detailed individual feedback on your journal article drafts, exercises, and tasks to help supercharge your publication journey while connecting and having fun with hundreds of other researchers on the same path.

The systems we’ve developed and taught on the 50 hours course grew my own YouTube channel on scientific writing from zero to 25,000 subscribers while working full-time as a university professor.

                   ✈️ By the end of the 5-week course...

You'll have kick-started your Google Scholar account (if you haven't yet) with a journal paper draft.

You'll have the next 6-12 months of publications planned out and a streamlined system to sustain this.

You'll be comfortable with publishing, with higher self-esteem, and equipped with techniques to boost your stamina and self-confidence.

You'll get my recommendations for methodologies and scientific research techniques, so you can level up your paper's methodological value while focusing on your paper.

You'll know how to refine your niche, and you'll have a system that ensures you'll never run out of paper ideas - The Paper Ideas Garden.

You’ll have a method (the IMReD Framework) for structuring your articles in a way that appeals to your audience and to reviewers.

You’ll understand how to accelerate your growth by efficiently repurposing your articles to multiple platforms.

You’ll understand the various publishing options available to authors, and you’ll know how to use them to publish for free in Q1 open-access journals with high article processing fees.

You’ll know the value of collaborating with international researchers as soon as you can, and you’ll have a roadmap for networking and building a reviewers list.

                                😯 What You Can Expect

                                     Core Live Sessions with Shady

These are held on Tuesdays between 1600 - 1800 CEST. This is where I'll deliver the core course content and systems. Each live session has 60-90 minutes of teaching, followed by an open Q&A where you'll be able to directly ask me any questions you want.

                                             Co-working Sessions

Each week you'll get detailed feedback from my team on your weekly article progress. This'll look at everything from titles + Figures and paper structure to editing and novelty, mythology, and so much more. It's all aimed at helping you improve week-by-week. The feedback session will be the most useful aspect of the course.

                                                     Guest Sessions

We are working on a list of the confirmed guest speakers. Guest speakers will be early career researchers with an outstanding publication record. Once we receive their confirmation, we will add them here soon!

                               ✍🏼 Who's the Course For?

Basically, the course is for anyone who wants to take journal article publishing seriously. If you’re committed to growing your citation and H-Index and putting yourself in the best position to build, sustain and succeed as a scientist or academic, we're here for you, and we promise you'll get large amounts of value from the course.

The specifics of what this looks like can get a bit complicated because (a) the course is pretty varied, and (b) the specific value you'll get from it does depend on your publication experience level. We've tried to break things down (very roughly) by citation count. Naturally, this is an imperfect metric, but it's the best we've got to stratify people, so please take the specific breakdown with a pinch of salt.

0 - 100 Citations

100 - 1,000 Citations

1,000 - 2,000 Citations

2000 - 3,000 Citations

4000+ Citations

                             ❌Who's This Course NOT For

This course isn't for you if...

1. You're not willing to put in the time and effort to improve your journal article per week during the 5 weeks.

2. You're looking for a magic bullet that'll get your citations to grow without any effort. There's no secret here. It's just about putting in the work, doing it consistently, and stacking the deck in your favor in whatever way you can.

3. You're hoping that start your publication record based on a get-cited-quick scheme. Again, that's not how it works. There are no shortcuts.

4. You're looking for a guaranteed path to 5k+ citations. There are no guarantees in this game. That's not how it works. We'll do our best to teach you the systems and processes that have worked for us and our students, but we can't 'guarantee' any specific result.

Having said all that, we can guarantee that if you create a useful journal article, make it ready for submission and do this for two years, your life will change. We can't put a number on it (no one can), but if you can stick with this for 2+ years, you'll learn useful skills, generate citations, and make friends with amazing people from all over the world in your scientific field.

Our only objective in this course is to make it easier for you to maintain that level of consistency and continue publishing your valuable research outcomes. If that sounds like something you'd like, we'd love to have you. If it's not what you're looking for, then sorry for wasting your time reading this far, and we wish you the very best of luck. Regardless, feel free to email us if you need a hand with anything! You can also follow my videos on my YouTube Channel.  

                               📑 The Course Curriculum

This is exactly what we’ll be covering every week of the course from 15th November to 13th December, broken down week by week. If you've any questions about it, feel free to email us an email 😀.

WEEK 1 EXAMINE & PLAN: How To Succeed in Publishing A Journal Article

In the first week, we establish the foundations of content creation of a high-quality journal article and how to plan and design a long-term publication strategy; where among other things, we’ll cover:

What it takes to succeed as a scientist or scholar to build a publications track record and the trajectory of publication success,

Understanding who you are, your passion, and how to enjoy the journey of pursuing research and publications in both academic and practitioners’ journals.

Understanding both the value of our contribution and who our target audience is and how to combine these in picking and refining an appropriate niche,

The importance and role of planning your publications and publications production value as a scientist or scholar,

Specific recommendations for journal selection and community identification.

WEEK 2 CONSTRUCT: Conceive Your Ideas

In the second week, we’ll tackle two main publication concerns: what to make videos about and how to get people to click once you've made them. We’ll cover:

What makes a good journal article title and highlights, and how to improve and test your paper idea,

The Paper Ideas Garden and how to line up niche paper ideas for a year.

WEEK 3 BUILD: Design Your Article

In the third week, we’ll break down the two most important steps of writing and building your article and how to create unique and lovable Figures and Graphs. Among other things, we’ll cover:

Understanding how to design effective parts for your article,

How to structure and script your text using the IMReD framework,

The process of s of preparing your article for publishing.

WEEK 4 WRITE: It’s Time To Write

In the fourth week, we’ll focus on how to apply writing strategies to maintain and keep your writing process. We’ll cover:

Strategies for storytelling, writing, editing, and publishing,

Creating and growing content bullets for each paper section.

WEEK 5 PUBLISH: Hack The System

In the last week, we’re going to focus on launching your submission and growing your audience beyond acceptance, and we'll deep dive into all aspects of the submission process. We’ll cover:

Understanding how editors and reviews think and what they expect from a novel journal article.

Why you should be repurposing your content if the paper gets rejected and how to effectively improve the paper and re-submit it,

Understanding how to grow your readership and promote your paper.

                              📅 The Weekly Timetable

You definitely aren’t expected to be able to attend every single live session, every session is recorded, and you'll have lifetime access to everything.

Here’s an example of what a week in the Get Your Paper Published course looks like:

                                          🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the course last?

The course lasts 5 weeks, from the 15th of November to the 13th of December 2022.

Do I need to have a published paper before joining the course?

No, the course is meant to help starters.

Do I need to have a certain number of citations to join the course?

No. We do recommend that you have an ORCID number and Google Scholar Profile. The course is designed to help researchers with zero citations and publications and researchers with over 5k citations. I hope this course helps everyone move their publication strategy forward regardless of what stage of the journey they're at.

What experience with publishing do I need to have?

No past experience in publishing is required; you just need a desire to publish journal articles in the near future.

I’ve 5000 citations already. Is this course for me?

Of course :) The course is aimed at everyone of all abilities. Having 5000 citations provides you with a really solid foundation to grow, systemize and scale your publishing, and we hope we can help you do that through the lessons on the course.

What sort of scientific fields is the course suitable for?

The course is not tailored to any specific field or domain. The course is designed to cater to early career scientists and scholars working in all fields of research. In fact, I think the system and processes in the course can be applied to any type of publication, and we'll be on hand to help make sure that you feel able to apply these methods if you encounter any issues.

What is the research methodology that I have to be using in my research to take the course?

There are no requirements for a specific research methodology as long your research falls under one or more of the four research methodologies (experimental, observational, modeling, and qualitative).

How involved will Shady be with the Live Sessions?

I'll host two Keynote sessions per week. And on top of that, we also have additional workshops (both live and recorded) where some of my research team will provide extra teaching.

Is it possible to pay in installments?

Absolutely. Each package should give you an option to pay in 3 installments if you're unable to pay the full amount up front. A slight head's up - you end up paying slightly more if you go for the installments option.

Do I need to have advanced proficiency in English writing?

Yes and no? You do need to write your own articles in English, so the prior experience will be beneficial, but for everyone that doesn't have good English skills, we'll advise some editing services and software that can help. B level of English proficiency is good to start.

What time are the live sessions?

These are held on Tuesdays between 1600 - 1800 CEST. This is where I'll deliver the core course content and systems. Each live session has 60-90 minutes of teaching, followed by an open Q&A where you'll be able to directly ask me any questions you want.

Do I need to attend all the live sessions?

Definitely not. The course is designed in a way that you can fit it into your already busy calendar and get the most out of the course without attending all of the live sessions. We'll encourage you to pick the ones that strike your interest and attend those. You can always watch the rest using your lifetime access to session recordings.

Can I get an invoice?

No problem, just let us know during the enrolment, and we’ll send it over. We can issue proof of payment for individual use, and we can issue official invoices for tax deduction purposes or money transfers made by public or private institutions like universities or companies.

How can I pay the course fees?

The only way for payment is through free bank wiring to our European bank account. If you pay outside the EU zone, you will have to take care of the wiring and currency conversion fees.

                                         🧠 Packages

             Enrollment deadline is October 20, 2022.

Need a Hand? Drop us an Email

We're just an email away if you've any questions about the course or need a hand with anything else. Drop us a line at, and we'll do our best to help 🙂.

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Jamie Larson