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Design of Experiments

Design of Experiments

Do you know about the lady-tasting tea experiment?

The lady-tasting tea is a randomized experiment developed by Ronald Fisher in 1935. The experiment forms the basis for the Design of experiments (DoE) method, which is a systematic, efficient method that enables scientists and engineers to study the relationship between multiple input variables (aka factors) and key output variables (aka responses). It is a structured approach for collecting data and making discoveries.

DoE is widely used as a statistical method applied in different fields of science and industry. DoE supports the design, development, and optimization of products and processes (error & trial vs. informed approach).

The Design of Experiments methods was developed in 1935 by the English statistician Ronald Fisher. Fisher introduced the null hypothesis by an example, the now famous Lady tasting tea experiment. The lady-tasting tea is a randomized experiment devised by Ronald Fisher. The experiment provides a subject with eight randomly ordered cups of tea – four prepared by pouring milk and then tea, four by pouring tea and then milk. The subject attempts to select the four cups prepared by one method or another and may compare cups directly against each other as desired. The method employed in the experiment is fully disclosed to the subject.

The Design of Experiments (DoE) provides a structured way to design and conduct experiments. DoE includes a series of applied statistics tools that systematically classify and quantify cause and effect relations between variables and outputs in the studied process or phenomenon. It allows us to screen many factors to determine which are worthy of deeper investigation. DoE is widely used as a statistical method applied in different fields of science and industry. DoE supports the design, development, and optimization of products and processes (error & trial vs. informed approach).

The video is available here:

2:26 Why and What is the Design of Experiment

9:09 Determining Interactions, Factors, and Levels

14:41 Types of Investigation

19:28 Screening and Characterization

22:07 Optimization

23:30 Check List

25:11 Take Away

DoE is widely used as a statistical method applied in different fields of science and industry. DoE supports the design, development, and optimization of products and processes (error & trial vs. informed approach).

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