Developing strategies and tools for resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.

[Ph.D. Defense] Dr. Marie Reine NISHIMWE - Multi-scale and dynamic energy mapping for strategic decision-making in Wallonia

[Ph.D. Defense] Dr. Marie Reine NISHIMWE - Multi-scale and dynamic energy mapping for strategic decision-making in Wallonia

Congratulations, Dr. Marie Reine Nishimwe, PhD. On 05/12/2022 at 15h, I attended the Ph.D. defense of Marie Reine NISHIMWE as a jury member at the Urban and Environmental Engineering Department, School of Engineering at Liege University. Her dissertation title is: « Multi-scale and dynamic energy mapping for strategic decision making and integrated energy management in Wallonia.» The Ph.D. is supervised by prof. Sigrid Reiter.

The Ph.D. research by Dr. Marie Reine NISHIMWE aims to integrate multiscale and multi-level databases to build energy efficiency. With the help of advanced GIS and artificial intelligence software, the researcher merged different datasets with the parceling land cadaster on the municipal and regional levels.

Click here for key publications:

The Ph.D. is part of the Wal-e-Cities project that aims to network the main Walloon cities to create a Smart Region. The project aims to develop software and devices that meet the needs of citizens through a range of services in four themes: mobility, energy, environment, and well-being. Three Wal-e-Cities projects are dedicated to energy, the economy, and mobility. The specific objectives of the project are:

-Develop digital tools for intelligent management of the energy consumed in the building stock in Wallonia;

-Develop a dynamic model (no hourly time) of the heating and electrical energy consumed in the Walloon building stock;

Many thanks for the invitation by Sigrid Reiter (promoter) and the exciting debate led by Shady Attia (chair) and the committee members @Mindjid MAÏZIA, Anne-Francoise Marique, Griet Verbeeck, Pierre DEWALLEF, and Mario Cools.

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#smartcity; #buildingsenergyconsumption; #heatelectricity, #artificialintelligence, #dynamicmodelling, #cityscale, #multiscalemapping; #buildingstock; #energymanagement

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