Developing strategies and tools for resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.

[Sneak Preview] New Playlist on Observational Research in 2024

[Sneak Preview] New Playlist on Observational Research in 2024

Starting in 2024, a new playlist of Observation Research Methods (Correlational) will be released bi-monthly, covering the topics of statistics, surveys and monitoring-based research. After releasing the two playlists on 🟧 Qualitative Research Methods and πŸŸ₯ Experimental Research Methods, it is time to continue with 🟦 Observational Research. Last year, and under the urgency of the GDPR release in 2021, I had to release my 2023 playlist on 🟨 Open Access Science.

This year, I exceeded 100 videos shared on YouTube. I officially can call myself a part-time Youtuber. I am almost reaching a 30k subscription, but with this rate, I won't hit the 100k subscription and Silver Plaque without releasing at least 300 more videos.

🚩Watch time: 199,791 hours
🚩Average Age: 29.5 (60%Males 40%Females)
🚩Top Watching Countries: India, USA, UK, Philippines, Ethiopia, Pakistan.

Special thanks to ULiege Multimedia Studio and the MOOCs team, including Thibault Cripin, Pierre Martin, and Pierre Schroeders. Thank you to all channel members and Patreon supporters. Thank you Mario Cools and Mehdi, for the insights and for sharing your life experience on statistics.

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Jamie Larson