Developing strategies and tools for resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.

[Special Issue] Enhancing Thermal Comfort & Climate Resilience of Buildings during Cold Waves

[Special Issue] Enhancing Thermal Comfort & Climate Resilience of Buildings during Cold Waves

Cold spells and cold waves, sometimes known as a cold snap or deep freeze, are extreme events that could become more common as climate change accelerates. The force behind this deep freeze is cold conveyed from the Arctic by the jet stream, a ribbon of high winds that girdle the globe. These sharp kinks in the jet streams are a hallmark of the changing climate, much like extreme weather disasters such as droughts, floods, and heat waves.

Nearly 2 million homes and businesses were without power across the United States on the 24th of December 2022. The frigid cold enveloped much of the country and knocked out power to 1.7 million households and businesses, while a major electricity grid operator warned the 65 million people it serves across the eastern U.S. that rolling blackouts might be required. The central question that needs to be addressed is: How to stay thermally safe in buildings by crippling power outages after an ice storm?

I am running a Special Issue called "Enhancing Thermal Comfort and Climate Resilience of Buildings during Extreme Events" for the SCIE-indexed open-access journal Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050; IF: 3.889). The special issue is evaluating buildings' resilience against short, and long-term climate change-related disruptions. The special issue is part of the International Energy Agency Annex 80 on Thermal Resilience in Buildings.

I encourage researchers to contribute to this Special Issue entitled “Enhancing Thermal Comfort and Climate Resilience of Buildings during Extreme Events".

#MDPISustainability. Contributions may cover novel methods and applications using either digital (e.g., building performance simulation) or empirical (e.g., real-time monitoring) data concerning the relevant topics and the keywords as described in:

Many thanks to Baker Yu,

#SustainabilityMDPI, and the #IEAAnnex80 for supporting us while organizing this special issue.

Submission deadline: 30 December 2023.

Prof. Dr. Shady Attia
Guest Editor

#climatechange,#disruption, #poweroutage; #winterwithoutheating; #summerwithoutcooling; #resilience; #recovery; #vulnerability; #thermalcomfort; #indoorairquality; #thermalsafety; #backuppower; #thermalautonomy; #recoverytime; #crticialcomfort; #adaptivecomfort; #mixedmodeoperation

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