Developing strategies and tools for resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.

[Teaching] Building Construction Technology

[Teaching] Building Construction Technology

This year, at Liege University, we started the Fall semester (14 September 2022) with 33 students from Belgium, Spain, France, and Luxemburg. A diverse cohort of students joins the Building Construction Technology Course representing Erasmus students and Bachelor students from the architectural engineering and construction engineering programs (2021-2022 / ARCH3275-1). The course is structured into three parts - Chronology of construction, Structural loads and stability, and Building Physics concerning building constructive nodes.

This year we visited an apartment building. No surprise, construction sites in Belgium are switching from nearly zero energy to Net zero energy and replacing natural gas heating systems with heat pumps. It is the year of heat pumps in Belgium with long waiting lines. The goal of the field visit was to:

-Visit a construction site and get familiar with building construction

-Understand and analyze building drawings used to execute and build a facility.

-Understand and analyze the functioning of the structure of a building and the principles of structural loads and forces in a building

-Understand and analyze the comment envelope construction system in Belgium.

Discover the new website of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of our Faculty:

Check the course content (ARCH3275-1):

Thank you, Guirec Ruellan, for planning this site visit and designing exercise 1 and for supporting the Building Construction Technology Course.

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#fieldvisit, #university, #teaching, #construction, #buildings

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Jamie Larson