Developing strategies and tools for resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.

[Teaching] Building Services Course: Site Visit

Teaching 👍 gives me energy ⚡!

As part of our Building Envelope and Building Services courses, our bachelor students visited a newly constructed office building. In November 2022, we visited a case study for a newly constructed, nearly zero-energy office building in Liège, Belgium. The office building 🏢 is designed by helium3 based on the New Ways Of Working (NWOW) principles. helium3 is an architectural firm established in 2008, offering contemporary and green building designs.

Check the project here 👉
Our undergrads of two courses visited the project site and engaged with one of the design team members on the building services and systems installed in buildings to make the building comfortable, functional, efficient, and safe.

Check the course content: 👉 ARCH0079-1 Building construction 2: envelope
Check the course content: 👉 ARCH0009-3 Building construction 3: services

A presentation was given by Aurélie Piette on the mechanical ventilation system, building control systems, and energy distribution, energy supply (gas, electricity, and renewable sources, mainly solar and geothermal). We also discussed bioclimatic architecture, including thermal mass, solar protection, and facade design.
Remember that in Belgium (Wallonia), we build nearly zero-energy buildings today based on the 🏡#PassiveHouseStandard principles. So this was an excellent case study with brilliant 💯architectural and technical solutions maintaining a balance between a low-tech and high-tech approach.

Building services engineering influences a building’s architecture and can considerably influence the sustainability 🌱 and energy demand, as well as the health and well-being of its occupants. Architects can design the most beautiful or complex building, but without building services being introduced effectively, it will not work.

Thank Aurélie Piette, we are proud you are on our ULiège team 🤩 and Benoit CLAEYS. We wish to continue disseminating such high-quality experiences among the future architectural community📨. We aim to prepare future 📈 generations of architects and building engineers for climate-proof architecture and cities 🌆 through case studies and field visits.

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Jamie Larson