Developing strategies and tools for resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.

[Tip] Building Energy Modeling Skills

[Tip] Building Energy Modeling Skills

Mastering building/urban 🏬 energy modeling skills is extremely important. Design teams and modelers rarely discuss building energy modelers' levels of expertise👨 💻 and competencies 👩 🔧when performing simulations for buildings and cities. There is a need to set forth expectations, training materials, and professional development paths for learning this specialized skill. 🏹🎯

Becoming a master requires a depth and breadth of knowledge pertaining to engineering, building science and energy simulation tools 🚀.

In any job interview, I always ask 🧠:

-What is your level of expertise in building energy modeling? ⁉️

As shown in the Figure, four 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ levels of building energy modelers exist.

💎 In order to 🚩 demonstrate your competency in building energy modeling knowledge and skills, I advise design teams to check the Black Belt Energy Modeling Matrix developed by Ellen Francoi at the Rocki Mountain Institute in 2010. The Matrix outlines a spectrum of modeling capabilities – from trainee to master –along with the associated skills and background knowledge to support success.  Check Here:

💎 Also, you can take the BEMP certification developed by ASHRAE, which validates competency to model new and existing buildings and systems with the full range of physics; and evaluate, select, use, calibrate and interpret the results of energy modeling software applied to building and systems energy performance and economics. Click Here:

If you are interviewed for any 🤓 new job as a building energy modeling (BEM) consultant, you should be able to answer the following questions:

💻 Which energy modeling approach should be pursued? Simple box or detailed?
💻 What are the project energy goals and owner’s project requirements (OPR)?
💻 To what extent can the model be simplified without compromising the energy modeling objectives and results?
💻 Which building elements will impact the targeted energy goals most?

Check those questions and resources above, update your CV, and learn about Building Energy Modeling to be a Master 🌶️.

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Jamie Larson