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[Video] Open Access Publishing

[Video] Open Access Publishing

The benefits of publishing your publication in an open-access format are massive. It increases the articles' readership, promotes scientific rigor, and increases researchers' visibility. On one hand, some might criticize the Article Processing Charges of open-access journals. On the other hand, I believe open access is the only way to bring rigor and transparency to the scientific community because it allows beating the impact factor craze and the superiority of editors who are resistant to change.

Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication that makes research information available to readers at no cost, unlike the traditional subscription model in which readers have access to scholarly information by paying a subscription. Open-access journals could be either paid or non-paid from an author's side. This means some open-access journals charge an article processing fee, submission fee, or both from an author for publishing articles.

1. Introduction 0:43
2. OA Benefits 01:11
3. Article Processing Charges 02:51
4. Types of OA publishing 04:48
5. Approved Repositories 15:45
6. Final Tips 20:07

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Jamie Larson